Photoshop 3D Printing

Adobe brings 3D Printing to Photoshop

We’re getting closer to the world of 3D Printing! The latest update from Adobe gives us more capabilities in Photoshop CC for 3D printing design and application – as printers from MakerBot and others become more affordable and mainstream.

Not only that, but if you don’t have a 3D printer, Adobe has made it easy to use SketchFab and other online solutions to share your printable models – so you can order your 3D printed objects from vendors.

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Creative Advertisement Design

Creative Ad Helps Child Abuse Victims

Advertisement Has Secret Only Visible to Kids

Creative Advertisement Design
Aid to Children and Adolescents at Risk Foundation, or ANAR, is a Spanish organization that helps child abuse victims. This clever advertisement uses lenticular printing to display one message to adults, and an additional message to kids. Watch the video on how it works below!

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Our printing is environmentally friendly.


Is Printed Marketing Material More Environmental Friendly Than Online Marketing?

Maybe. Here are some interesting facts we read on the internet:

• One email, with a 400k attachment, sent to 20 people, is equivalent to burning a 100w light bulb for 30 minutes.

• Reading the news online for more than 30 minutes can consume 20% more energy than reading a traditional newspaper.

• Performing two google searches uses up as much energy as boiling the kettle for a cup of tea

• Pizza can contain every group of the food pyramid.